Loons Information

What is a loon?

Loon is our name for a first year scout who recently crossed over and is ready to begin Boy Scouts. You are in your own patrol, and you will stay together until next year, after which you will move over to an older scout patrol.

A few important things you should take note of, that can be of helpful assistance are:
Camping Gear Checklist, especially for your first campout!

Here are a few more things to get you on your way!

Scout RequirementsScout Rank requirements – PDF Format
Tenderfoot rank requirementsTenderfoot requirements – PDF Format
Second Class rank requirementsSecond Class requirements – PDF Format
First Class rank requirements!First Class requirements – PDF Format

These may look like a lot, but they will be gone and out of your way before you know it!

Troop 75 Information

Boy Scout Uniform Troop 75 FAQ’s 2016 Camp Friedlander Permission Slip
BSAUniform Troop75FAQ